Becoming sustainable can be easy! It's just knowing where to begin!

Firstly, don't be overwhelmed! Making simple changes will improve your salon running as well as helping the environment. There are so many changes you can make but they have to work for you and your business. The real bonus is discovering the creative aspects of sustainable change.

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
— Robert Swan

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Sustainable Suppliers

Do your brands have legitimate sustainable practices?

Are they cruelty free?

How are the products packaged and how are they made? Is the product packaging recyclable?

What ingredients are important to you? What would you like to avoid? Do they provide substantial information about ingredients in the products?

What do you know about the shipping company they choose? Do they use recyclable packaging when shipped? What are their sustainable practices?

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Rubbish Collection

What support does your local council offer for rubbish collection?

Around NZ some areas are proactive with achieving zero waste in their communities. Unfortunately this doesn't happen everywhere. There are salons making extra efforts to get their waste recycled.

Have you checked out Sustainable Salons to see if they are available in your area? Sign up to show your interest.

I have been inspired by salons all over NZ who have been finding their own solutions to their waste problems. in Queenstown *****

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Did you know the average NZ salons uses 1.5km of foil a month?

Did you also know that if this is recycled properly in can be recycled an infinite amount without losing its quality? But, it uses high energy and resources to do so. How to recycle? This all depends on your collection requirements. Balling up your foil into a heavy ball will help with the sorting of the recycling, loose foils could be more of a nuisance to recycling centres so ensure that you have done your job properly and they don't come loose from the ball. Just pop a classy bin between your basins and ball up your foil as you remove them from your client’s hair.

If your council doesn't collect foil approach local metal recyclers, you will even receive a few $$.

Better yet... choose reusable or compostable options like Paper or paddles.

We have a list of things that go to other places.

  • Towels that are too scratchy for our clients are donated to a local mechanic.

  • Tint brushes & bowls go to local kindergarten.

  • Magazines to hospitals, dentists, rest homes, factory lunch rooms, even vehicle testing stations.

  • Capes for drop sheets or furniture covers for storage.


E Scrap

Clippers, Hairdryers, Computers are considered e-waste. Look out for your local E Scrap recycling.